Patricia Aakhus McDowell
The Voyage of Mael Duin's Curragh UK US
Daughter of the Boyne UK US

Donald Aamodt
Series: Zarathandra
A Name to Conjure With US
A Troubling Along the Border US

Moses Aaron
Man Dragon

Kôbô Abé
The Ark Sakura US

Shana Abé
The Smoke Thief UK US
The Dream Thief 26th September 2006 UK US
? soon...

Lynn Abbey
Series: Rifkind Saga
Daughter of the Bright Moon US
The Black Flame US
Series: Thieves World
Thieve's World with Robert Lynn Asprin US
Tales from the Vulgar Unicorn with Robert Lynn Asprin US
Shadows of Sanctuary with Robert Lynn Asprin US
Storm Season with Robert Lynn Asprin US
The Face of Chaos with Robert Lynn Asprin US
Wings of Omen with Robert Lynn Asprin US
The Dead of Winter with Robert Lynn Asprin US
Soul of the City with Robert Lynn Asprin, C. J. Cherryh and Janet Morris US
Blood Ties with Robert Lynn Asprin US
Aftermath with Robert Lynn Asprin US
Uneasy Alliances with Robert Lynn Asprin US
Stealer's Sky with Robert Lynn Asprin US
Sanctuary UK US
Series: Unicorn and Dragon
Unicorn and Dragon US
The Green Man US: Conquest US
Series: Walensor Saga
The Wooden Sword US
Beneath the Web US
Series: Ultima Saga
The Forge of Virtue US
The Temper of Wisdom US
Series: Dark Sun: Chronicles of Athas
The Brazen Gambit US
Cinnabar Shadows US
The Rise and Fall of a Dragonking US
Series: Siege of Shadow Trilogy
Siege of Shadows US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Nobles
The Simbul's Gift UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Lost Empires
The Nether Scroll UK US
Series: Magic, The Gathering: Artifacts Cycle
Planeswalker UK US
Out of Time UK US
Behind Time UK US
Taking Time UK US
The Guardians US
Jerlayne UK US

Donald Abbott
Series: Oz
How the Wizard Came to Oz US
The Magic Chest of Oz US
The Amber Flute of Oz US

Edwin A. Abbott
Flatland UK US

Jax Abbott
Super What? UK US
Super 16 UK US

Joe Abercrombie
Series: The First Law
The Blade Itself UK US
Before They Are Hanged UK US
Last Argument of Kings 1st March 2008 UK

Dafydd AbHugh
Series: Arthur War Lord
Arthur War Lord US
Far Beyond the Wave US
Series: Jiana
Heroing US
Warriorwards US

Chris Abouzeid
Anatopsis UK US

Daniel Abraham
Series: The Long Price Quartet
The Sad Trade soon...
? soon...
? soon...
? soon...

J. J. Ace
Judgment Day US

Peter Ackroyd
First Light US

Mark Acres
Series: Chronicle of the Land Between the Rivers
Dragonspawn US
Dragon War US
Series: Runesword
Dark Divide US

Gilbert Adair
Series: Alice
Alice Through the Needle's Eye US

Douglas Adams
Series: Hitchhiker's Guide
*The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy   UK US
*The Restaurant at the End of the Universe UK US
*Life, the Universe and Everything UK US
*So Long, And Thanks for All the Fish UK US
*Mostly Harmless UK US

Richard Adams
Series: Watership Down
Watership Down   UK US
Tales from Watership Down   UK US
Series: Beklan Empire
Shardik US
Maia US
The Outlandish Knight UK US
The Unbroken Web with Yvonne Gilbert and Jennifer Campbell - short stories US
The Legend of Te Tuna UK
The Plague Dogs US

Robert Adams
Series: Castaways in Time
Castaway in Time US
The Seven Magical Jewels of Ireland US
Of Quests and Kings US
Of Chiefs and Champions US
Of Myths and Monsters US
Of Beginnings and Endings US
Series: Horseclans
The Coming of the Horseclans US
Swords of the Horseclans US
Revenge of the Horseclans US
Cat of Silver Hue
Savage Mountains US
Patrimony US
Horseclans Odyssey US
The Death of a Legend US
The Witch Goddess US
Bili the Axe US
Champion of the Last Battle US
A Woman of the Horseclans US
Horses of the North US
A Man Called Milo Morai US
The Memories of Milo Morai US
Trumpets of War US
Madman's Army US
Clan of the Cats US
Series: Magic of Ithkar
Magic in Ithkar with Andre Norton - short stories US
Magic of Ithkar II with Andre Norton - short stories US
Magic of Ithkar III with Andre Norton - short stories US
Magic of Ithkar IV with Andre Norton - short stories US
Series: Stairway to Forever
Stairway to Forever US
Monsters and Magicians US
Guideposts to Danger US
Phantom Regiments US

Patrick H. Adkins
Series: Titans
Lord of the Crooked Path UK US
Master of the Fearful Dapths US
Sons of the Titans US

C. S. Adler
The Silver Coach US
Eddie's Blue-Winged Dragon US
Ghost Brother UK US

Matt Afsahi & Barbara Dysonwilliams
The Road of Silk UK US

Phyllis Carol Agins
Suisan US

Kori Aguirre-Amador
Writers Anonymous UK US

Jerry & Sharon Ahern
The Golden Shield of IBF UK US

Robert Aickman
The Model US

Elsie V. Aidinoff
The Garden UK US

Kurt W. Aigner
Allistar, Journey Through a Mind

Joan Aiken
Series: Wolves Chronicles
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase UK US
Black Hearts in Battersea UK US
Nightbirds in Nantucket UK US
The Stolen Lake UK US
The Cuckoo Tree UK US
Dido and Pa UK US
Is US: Is Underground UK US
Cold Shoulder Road UK US
Limbo Lodge US: Dangerous Games UK US
Midwinter Nightingale UK US
The Witch of Clatteringshaws UK US
Series: Arabel
Mortimer and Arabel UK
Arabel's Raven UK US
Series: Felix
Go Saddle the Sea UK US
Bridle the Wind UK US
The Teeth of the Gale UK US
The Cockatrice Boys US
The Youngest Miss Ward UK US
The Shadow Guests UK US
Give Yourself a Fright: Thirteen Stories of the Supernatural short stories US
Haunting Christmas Tales with Lewis R. Aiken - short stories UK US
A Creepy Company: Ten Tales of Terror short stories UK US
A Fit of Shivers: Tales For Late at Night short stories UK US
A Foot in the Grave short stories UK US
The Kingdom Under the Sea short stories US
The Last Slice of Rainbow and Other Stories short stories US
The Moon's Revenge UK US
The Winter Sleepwalker and Other Stories short stories
A Small Pinch of Weather short stories UK US
Tale of a One-Way Street short stories UK US
Up the Chimney Down and Other Stories short stories US
The Whispering Mountain US
Midnight Is a Place UK US
The Scream UK
A Necklace of Raindrops and Other Stories short stories UK US

Pauline J. Alama
The Eye of Night UK US

Vivien Alcock
The Stonewalkers UK US
Singer to the Sea God US

Louisa May Alcott
Louisa May Alcott's Fairy Tales and Fantasy Stories short stories UK US

Gill Alderman
Lilith's Castle UK US
The Memory Place

Brian Aldiss
Affairs at Hampden Ferrers UK

Raja Alem & Tom McDonough
Fatma UK US

Alma Alexander
The Hidden Queen UK US
Changer of Days UK US
The Secrets of Jin-Shei UK US

David M. Alexander
Fane US

Lloyd Alexander
Series: The Prydain Cycle
The Book of Three US
The Black Cauldron US
The Castle of Llyr US
Taran Wanderer UK US
The High King US
Series: Prydain
The Truthful Harp US
Coll and His White Pig US
The Foundling UK US
Series: The Westmark
Westmark UK US
The Kestrel US
The Beggar Queen UK US
Series: The Vesper Holly Adventures
The Philadelphia Adventure US
The Jedera Adventure UK US
The Drackenberg Adventure UK US
The El Dorado Adventure UK US
The Illyrian Adventure UK US
The Xanadu Adventure UK US
Time Cat, the Remarkable Journeys of Jason and Gareth UK US
The Wizard in the Tree UK US
The Arkadians UK US
The First Two Lives of Lukas-Kasha UK US
The Iron Ring UK US
The Cat Who Wished to Be a Man UK US
The Marvelous Misadventures of Sebastian UK US
The Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen UK US
The King's Fountain US
The House Gobbaleen US
The Rope Trick UK US

Lynne Alexander
Resonating Bodies US

Marc Alexander
Series: Wells of Ythan
Ancient Dreams
Magic Casements
Shadow Realm US
Enchantment's End

Michael Alexander
Beowulf UK US

Sherman Alexie
Reservation Blues UK US

Jane Alison
The Love-Artist UK US

Margaret Allan
Series: The Mammoth Stone
The Mammoth Stone UK US
Keeper of the Stone UK US
The Last Mammoth US
Spirit Walking Woman
Sister of the Sky

Phil Allcock
Series: Stories of the Realm
The Will of Dargan
In Search of the Golden Sceptre
The Fading Realm

Judy Allen
Lord of the Dance UK US
Storm-Voice UK US

Will Allen
Swords for Hire UK US

Isabel Allende
City of the Beasts UK US
Kingdom of the Golden Dragon UK US
Forest of the Pygmies UK US

Aaron Allston
Series: Bard's Tale
Thunder of the Captains with Holly Lisle UK US
Wrath of the Princes with Holly Lisle UK US
Doc Sidhe UK US
Sidhe-Devil UK US
Galatea in 2-D US

David Almond
Skellig UK US
Secret Heart UK
The Fire-Eaters UK US

Elaine Marie Alphin
The Ghost Cadet UK US
The Ghost Soldier UK US

Steve Alton
The Malifex UK US
The Firehills UK US

Nadine Amadio
Series: Alice
The New Adventures of Alice in Rainforest Land US

Philip Amara
Series: Diablo
Tales of Sanctuary UK US

David Ambrose
A Memory of Demons UK US

Kingsley Amis
The Green Man UK US

Berthe Amoss
Lost Magic US

John Anacker
The Raven's Ring Pin UK US

Hans Christian Andersen
The Complete Fairy Tales short stories UK US

Blaine Anderson
Heartspell US

Dennis Lee Anderson
Arthur, King US

Janet S. Anderson
Going Through the Gate UK US
The Last Treasure UK US

Jodi Lynn Anderson
May Bird and the Ever After UK US
May Bird Among the Stars UK US
May Bird, Warrior Princess 18th September 2007 UK US

Kevin J. Anderson
Series: Gamearth
Gamearth US
Gameplay US
Game's End US
Afterimage Aftershock with Kristine Kathryn Rusch US
Born of Elven Blood with John Gregory Betancourt UK US
*Much at Stake (*Un Enjeu Très Pointu) short story
Captain Nemo UK US
Crystal Doors with Rebecca Moesta UK US

M. T. Anderson
The Game of Sunken Places UK US

Margaret J. Anderson
Series: Time
In the Keep of Time US
In the Circle of Time US
The Mists of Time US
The Druid's Gift US
The Ghost Inside the Monitor US

Poul Anderson
Series: The King of Ys
Roma Mater with Karen Anderson UK US
Gallicenae with Karen Anderson UK US
Dahut with Karen Anderson UK US
The Dog and the Wolf with Karen Anderson UK US
Series: Operation Chaos
Operation Chaos US
Operation Luna UK US
Series: Three Hearts
Three Hearts and Three Lions UK US
A Midsummer Tempest US
Series: The Last Vicking
The Golden Horn US
Road of the Sea Horse US
Sign of the Raven US
Series: Conan
Conan the Rebel US
Hrolf Kraki's Saga US
The Merman's Children US
The Armies of Elfland with Karen Anderson - short stories US
The Broken Sword UK US
War of the Gods UK US
The Demon of Scattery with Mildred Downey Broxon US
The Unicorn Trade with Karen Anderson - short stories US
The Night Fantastic with Karen Anderson US
Mother of Kings UK US

C. Dean Andersson
Series: Bloodsong Saga
Warrior Witch UK US
Warrior Rebel UK US
Warrior Beast UK US
Series: Hel Trilogy
Warrior Witch of Hell with Nina Romberg - as Asa Drake US
Werebeasts of Hel with Nina Romberg - as Asa Drake US
Death Riders of Hel with Nina Romberg - as Asa Drake US

Allen Andrews
Series: Plantagenet
The Pig Plantagenet US
Castle Crespin US

Patricia Angadi
The Highly Flavoured Ladies US

Judie Angell
The Weird Disappearance of Jordan Hall US

Stephen L. Antczak
God Drug UK US

Mark Anthony
Series: DragonLance: The Meeting Sextet
Kindred Spirits with Ellen Porath UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Harpers
Crypt of the Shadowking UK US
Curse of the Shadowmage US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Nobles
Escape from Undermountain UK US
Series: The Last Rune
Beyond the Pale UK US
The Keep of Fire UK US
The Dark Remains UK US
Blood of Mystery UK US
The Gates of Winter UK US
The First Stone UK US

Patricia Anthony
Flanders UK US

Piers Anthony
Series: Xanth
A Spell for Chameleon US
The Source of Magic US
Castle Roogna US
Centaur Aisle UK US
Ogre, Ogre UK US
Night Mare UK US
Dragon on a Pedestal US
Crewel Lye US
Golem in the Gears UK US
Vale of the Vole UK US
Heaven Cent UK US
Man from Mundania UK US
Isle of View UK US
Question Quest US
The Color of Her Panties UK US
Demons Don't Dream US
Harpy Thyme UK US
Geis of the Gargoyle UK US
Roc and a Hard Place UK US
Yon Ill Wind UK US
Faun & Games UK US
Zombie Lover UK US
Xone of Contention UK US
The Dastard UK US
Swell Foop UK US
Up in a Heaval UK US
Cube Route UK US
Currant Events UK US
Pet Peeve UK US
Stork Naked 17th October 2006 UK US
Series: Xanth related
Visual Guide to Xanth with Jody Lynn Nye US
Letters to Jenny UK US
Series: Incarnations of Immortality
On a Pale Horse UK US
Bearing an Hourglass UK US
With a Tangled Skein US
Wielding a Red Sword UK US
Being a Green Mother US
For Love of Evil US
And Eternity US
Series: The Mode
Virtual Mode US
Fractal Mode US
Chaos Mode US
DoOon Mode UK US
Series: Geodyssey
Isle of Woman UK US
Shame of Man UK US
Hope of Earth UK US
Muse of Art UK US
Series: Prophecy of Mouvar
Dragon's Gold with Robert E. Margroff US
Serpent's Silver with Robert E. Margroff US
Chimera's Copper with Robert E. Margroff US
Orc's Opal with Robert E. Margroff US
Mouvar's Magic with Robert E. Margroff UK US
Series: The Apprentice Adept
Split Infinity UK US
Blue Adept UK US
Juxtaposition US
Out of Phaze UK US
Robot Adept US
Unicorn Point UK US
Phaze Doubt US
Series: Tarot
God of Tarot US
Vision of Tarot US
Faith of Tarot US
The Ring with Robert E. Margroff UK US
Dream a Little Dream with Julie Brady UK US
The Gutbucket Quest with Ron Leming UK US
The Secret of Spring with Jo Ann Taeusch UK US
Quest for the Fallen Star with James Richley and Alan Riggs UK US
Hasan UK US
Through the Ice with Robert Kornwise UK US
The Willing Spirit with Alfred Tella UK US
Possible to Rue short story

Kim Antieau
The Jigsaw Woman US
Coyote Cowgirl UK US

Robert Antoni
Divina Trace UK US

K. A. Applegate
Series: Everworld
Search for Senna UK US
Land of Loss UK US
Enter the Enchanted UK US
Realm of the Reaper UK US
Discover the Destroyer UK US
Fear the Fantastic UK US
Gateway to the Gods UK US
Brave the Betrayal UK US
Inside the Illusion UK US
Understand the Unknown UK US
Mystify the Magician UK US
Entertain the End UK US

Risa Aratyr
Hunter of the Light UK US

Peter Archer
Series: DragonLance: Champions
The Great White Wyrm UK US

Philip Ardagh
Series: The Eddie Dickens Trilogy
Awful End US: A House Called Awful End UK US
Series: Unlikely Exploits
The Fall of Fergal UK
Dreadful Acts UK
Terrible Times UK

Tom Arden
Series: The Orokon
The Harlequin's Dance   UK US
The King and Queen of Swords   UK
Sultan of the Moon and Stars   UK
Sisterhood of the Blue Storm   UK
Empress of the Endless Dream   UK

Ron Arias
The Road to Tamazunchale UK US

Gulliver in Cloneland UK US

Alan Arkin
The Lemmings Condition US
The Clearing US

Kelly Armstrong
Series: The Otherworld I
Bitten UK US
Stolen UK US
Broken 1st May 2006 UK
Series: The Otherworld II
Dime Store Magic UK US
Industrial Magic UK US
Haunted UK US

T. J. Armstrong
Walter and the Resurrection of G. US

Eleanor Arnason
Daughter of the Bear King US

Elizabeth Arnold
Spin of the Sunwheel UK

Elaine Aron

Mary Arrigan
Baldur's Bones UK
Lawlor's Revenge UK

Daniel Arsand
The Land of Darkness UK US

David Arscott & David Marl
A Flight of Bright Birds

Keri Arthur
Destiny Kills 28th October 2008 UK US

Catherine Asaro
The Charmed Sphere UK US
The Misted Cliffs UK US
The Dawn Star UK US
Moonglow short story UK US
Series: Topaz Cycle
The Fire Opal 1st July 2007 UK US
? soon...
? soon...

Constance Ash
Series: Horse Girl
The Horsegirl US
The Stalking Horse US
The Stallion Queen US

Sarah Ash
Series: The Tears of Artamon
Lord of Snow and Shadows   UK US
Prisoner of Ironsea Tower US: Prisoner of the Iron Tower   UK US
Children of the Serpent Gate   UK US
Series: Alchemyst's Legacy
Tracing the Shadow UK US
Flight into Darkness soon...
Moths to a Flame UK
Songspinners UK
The Lost Child UK

Marty Asher
Shelter US

Charles Ashton
Series: Jet Smoke and Dragon Fire
Jet Smoke and Dragon Fire UK
Into the Spiral UK
The Shining Bridge UK
The Giant's Boot UK

Jay Ashton
Looking for Ilyriand

Isaac Asimov
Magic short stories UK US
Azazel US
100 Great Fantasy Short, Short Stories with Terry Carr and Martin H. Greenberg - short stories US

Nancy Asire
Series: Twilight's Kingdom
Twilight's Kingdoms US
Tears of Time US
To Fall Like Stars UK US
Series: Sword of Knowledge
Wizard Spawn with C. J. Cherryh UK US

Robert Lynn Asprin
Series: Myth
Another Fine Myth UK US
Myth Conceptions UK US
Myth Directions UK US
Hit or Myth US
Myth-ing Persons US
Little Myth Marker US
M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link US
Myth-Nomers and Im-Pervections UK US
M.Y.T.H. Inc. in Action US
Sweet Myth-Tery of Life UK US
Something M.Y.T.H. Inc. UK US
Myth-Ion Improbable UK US
Myth Alliances with Jody Lynn Nye UK US
Myth-Told Tales with Jody Lynn Nye - short stories UK US
Myth-Taken Identity with Jody Lynn Nye UK US
Class Dis-Mythed UK US
Series: Myth Graphic Novels
Myth Adventures One with Phil Foglio US
Myth Adventures Two US
Series: Thieves World
Thieve's World with Lynn Abbey US
Tales from the Vulgar Unicorn with Lynn Abbey US
Shadows of Sanctuary with Lynn Abbey US
Storm Season with Lynn Abbey US
The Face of Chaos with Lynn Abbey US
Wings of Omen with Lynn Abbey US
The Dead of Winter with Lynn Abbey US
Soul of the City with Lynn Abbey, C. J. Cherryh and Janet Morris US
Blood Ties with Lynn Abbey US
Aftermath with Lynn Abbey US
Uneasy Alliances with Lynn Abbey US
Stealer's Sky with Lynn Abbey US
Series: Duncan & Mallory
Duncan & Mallory with Mel White US
The Bar-None Ranch with Mel White US
The Raiders with Mel White US
Series: Wartorn
Resurrection with Eric DelCarlo UK US
Obliteration with Eric DelCarlo UK US
License Invoked with Jody Lynn Nye UK US
E.Godz with Esther M. Friesner UK US

Philip Athans
Series: Forgotten Realms: Anthologies
Realms of Mystery UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: Adventures Across the Realms
Baldur's Gate novelisation UK US
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Threat From the Sea
Realms of the Deep UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: War of the Spider Queen
Annihilation UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Year of Rogue Dragons
Realms of the Dragons UK US
Realms of the Dragons II UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Last Mythal
Realms of the Elves UK US
Series: Forgotten Realms: The Watercourse Trilogy
Whisper of Waves UK US
Lies of Light 12th September 2006 UK US

Kate Atkinson
Human Croquet UK US

Stella Atrium
Seven Beyond UK US

A. A. Attanasio
Series: Tales of Arthor
The Dragon and the Unicorn UK US
The Eagle and the Sword UK US
The Perilous Order US: The Wolf and the Crown UK US
The Serpent and the Grail UK US
Series: Dominions of Irth
The Dark Shore US: as Adam Lee UK US
The Shadow Eater US: as Adam Lee UK US
Octoberland US: as Adam Lee UK US
Series: The Perilous Order
Warriors of the Round Table UK
Kingdom of the Grail US
Arthor UK
Hunting the Ghost Dancer US
The Moon's Wife US
Wyvern US

Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Series: The Kiesha'ra
Hawksong UK US
Snakecharm UK US
Falcondance UK US

Steve Atwell
Schizoid Applejack UK US

Margaret Atwood
The Penelopiad UK US

Frank Aubrey
The Devil-Tree of El Dorado UK US

Anselm Audley
Series: Aquasilva
Heresy UK US
Inquisition UK US
Crusade UK

Jean M. Auel
Series: Earth's Children
The Clan of the Cave Bear UK US
The Valley of Horses UK US
The Mammoth Hunters UK US
The Plains of Passage UK US
The Shelters of Stone UK US

Steve Augarde
The Various UK US
Celandine UK US
? soon...

Paul Auster
Moon Palace UK US
Mr. Vertigo UK US

Fiona Avery
The Crown Rose UK US

Bright Shadow UK US
Perloo the Bold UK US
Midnight Magic UK US
The Mayor of Central Park UK US
The Book Without Words UK US

Majgull Axelsson
April Witch UK US

Steve Aylett
The Inflatable Volunteer UK US
Bigot Hall UK US